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Shroud of Turin Blog: More on New Conference Proceedings: International Workshop on the Scientific approach to the Acheiropoietos Images

Holy Face of Manoppello: Frascati Conference Papers Published

Holy Face of Manoppello: Dr. Di Lazzaro, Organizer of Frascati Scientific Conference, Visits Shrine of the Holy Face

Antonio Lombatti blog: Il convegno di Frascati sulla Sindone (in italian)

Holy Face of Manoppello: Frascati Conference Papers Now Available On-Line

Latest news on the linen coloration experiments at ENEA Frascati (interview to Dr. Paolo Di Lazzaro, in Italian)

A 45 minutes documentary on the Shroud of Turin broadcasted by RAI 2, including linen irradiation experiments done at ENEA Frascati (in Italian).

First News from Frascati Workshop (in english)
First News from Frascati Workshop (in italian)

Shroud of Turin supports Resurrection, expert affirms

La Sabana Santa puede soportar la teoria de la Resurrecion (in Spanish)
(The Holy Shroud can supports the Resurrection theory)

Consiglio solenne per l'omaggio a Badde (in Italian)
(A solemn committee for the honour to Badde)

Il Papa a Torino in visita alla Sindone (in Italian)
(The Pope visits the Shroud in Turin)

All'ENEA ecco la "cyber Sindone" (in Italian)
(In ENEA there is the "cyber Shroud")

L'ENEA "replica" la Sacra Sindone (in Italian)
(ENEA "replies" the Holy Shroud)

Un approccio scientifico alle Immagini Acheropite (in Italian)
(A scientific approach to the Acheiropoietos Images)

Sindone: ENEA ha riprodotto in laboratorio immagine simile (in Italian)
(Shroud: ENEA has reproduced in laboratory a similar image)

Scienza: dalla Sindone al Velo di Manoppello, conferenza internazionale su immagini acheropite (in Italian)
(Science: from the Shroud to the Manoppello Veil, international conference on the acheiropoietos images)

Sindone: ricercatori ENEA riproducono in laboratorio colorazione simile (in Italian)
(Shroud: ENEA researchers reproduce in laboratory a similar coloration)

Un approccio alle Immagini Acheropite: la Sindone, la Tilma di Guadalupe e il Velo di Manoppello (in Italian)
(An approach to the Acheiropoietos images: the Shroud, the Tilma of Guadalupe and the Veil of Manoppello)

Sindone: dal laser una risposta? (in Italian)
(Shroud: an answer from the laser?)

Le immagini acheropite. La Sacra Sindone e la scienza (in Italian)
(The acheiropoietos images. The Holy Shroud and the science)

Riprodotta nei laboratori ENEA la colorazione della Sacra Sindone (short video, in italian)
The Holy Shroud coloration has been reproduced in the ENEA laboratories

Le immagini achiropite (in italian)
The acheiropoietos images

EVENTI ENEA - International Workshop on the Scientific Approach to the Acheiropoietos Images (in italian)

Scientific hypothesis on the formation of the Shroud image (in english)
Ipotesi scientifiche sulla formazione dell'immagine della Sindone (in italian)
Wissenschaftliche Hypothesen zur Entstehung des Bildes auf dem Turiner Grabtuch (in german)
Hipótesis científicas sobre la formación de la imagen de la Sábana Santa (in spanish)

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